Let's be honest. There are a lot of days when a nip of something slightly stronger than bottled water or a diet cola would sure make it easier to tolerate our miserable co-workers. Oh how I long to live in the early 60s, where advertising execs like those portrayed in
Mad Men start their day with a White Russian, have 3 Martini lunches, and chain smoke endlessly.
Alas, these are no longer considered appropriate, or even tolerable, actions in the modern workplace. Limiting our drug intake to caffeine, or forcing us to go smuggle our libations into the office rather than drudge through the day stone sober.
The fine people over at
Dethroner have come up with an ingenious solution for keeping your stash cool and safe. Think about it. When was the last time you saw any of the lazy bastards around your office put paper in the printer or copy machine?